Nestled in the back roads of Newaygo, Michigan and resting on lake Kimball, these landscapes are a sight for sore eyes. Having just celebrated our 75th anniversary this past summer, I was able to experience the rich history and traditions that this camp has and was able to hear stories of old campers and the impact it had and still does have on them today. Our mission stands strong in that we provide a life changing experience for all in a Christian environment.

When asked what camp means to me, I
become overwhelmed with the amount of thoughts that pertain to what Camp Henry
has provided for me. Whether it’s opportunities to try something new to being
zany in outrageous costumes, I am given the appropriate amount of freedom while
being taught lifelong lessons like communication, honesty, and respect.
What most people in today’s society
don’t realize is that with our advanced technology and crazy busy schedules, we
don’t know how to communicate with others effectively- let alone to stop, take
a breath of fresh air, and take notice of our surroundings. One thing that
comes to mind while being at camp is that it gives me the appreciation for little things- waking up to a
gorgeous lake view, singing by the campfire, etc. We often get caught up
in our busy daily schedules and sometimes forget about the little things, such
as the small ant on the ground, the bird chirping in the tree, or the squirrel
scurrying with a nut. They are a valuable part of creation and truly make
the world a better place. Unfortunately, these things get lost as we
hurry from place to place, going about our daily routines. But they are
parts of our life that are even more valuable than our hair appointments, work
deadlines, and car problems. They are the simple things, which God made
for us to care for, enjoy, and appreciate. Matthew 6:22 explains, “The lamp of
the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is simple, your whole body will be
bright…” Having a simple eye means keeping our life uncomplicated and having a
healthy outlook. Camp has taught me that this way of viewing life can allow for
glimpses of our extraordinary God, and we can catch traces of his imprint
everywhere in creation if we simply take the time to enjoy it.
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