Fall is here and Halloween is right around the corner! So with this, my friends and I decided to take a trip to Spring City, Pa to visit Pennhurst Asylum. This former institution was once a state school/hospital for people with mental illnesses and special needs. It opened in 1908 and ended its session in 1986 leaving this place abandoned for 24 years. Nestled away from the rest of society, this place ran as its own, separate community, from having its own theatre, agriculture system, barber shop to even a firehouse. It closed due to a long history of complaints of Pennhurst being unsanitary, inhumane and unsafe for the patients and it's even said that a majority of the patients conditions worsened during their stay here and many deaths have occurred. Just recently, a group decided to turn this place into a true haunted attraction! With all of the props being actual furnishings and equipment used when the institution was in session, gave the atmosphere a very creepy vibe let alone the actors being involved with it. If you ask me, actors weren’t even necessary because being in these buildings was scary enough. I don’t want to spoil any of it, but the scariest part for me was walking in the underground tunnel system. Filled with fog and completely dark, gave all of us the heeby jeebies because we could not see anything that was coming for us. I recommend you check this out, if you dare…
shoot, boy. This is spooktacular!
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