I absolutely love this theatre and I even did my graduation project here back in high school. This place isn't just a theatre, though, it serves as a community center as well. It's just one location in which M. Hershey has provided for central Pa.
I admire all that Milton has done for this community from providing jobs, education, homes and culture, and it has only grown from there. This is why I am looking forward to learning more about non-profit management.
My first project is helping work with the Apollo Awards. This program was created recently to recognize outstanding achievement by local high school students in their musical and play productions (somewhat like the tony awards). It got its name from the Greek god (Apollo) and was the patron God of music, poetry, and the arts. In the past two years, this scholarship program gave away over $25,000 to students. I am really looking forward to working here and seeing what all it has in store for me.

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